Steps to make a recipe for hair oil 2019

Steps to make a recipe for hair oil 2019

Steps to make a recipe for hair oil we offer you today through the following lines. Since ancient times and in all human civilizations without exception, it was considered that the hair of women is the crown decorated with beauty and measured by the extent of its attractiveness and distinguished by the length of her hair, softness and vitality, has been and still beautiful hair is one of the most important factors attracting men to their partner, has been many poets and writers women hair and beauty Nizar Qabbani said in the beauty of Balqis poetry:

Each of your contracts has two stories…

Even the tweezers of your golden hair…

She floods me, as usual with the rain of tenderness

It was also narrated from Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, saying: "Hallelujah from Zen men beards and women dissolved" - directed by the ruler.

That and more has been said praise in the beauty of women's hair, if you want to get healthy hair thick and attractive to you today dear our article in the encyclopedia on the steps to make a recipe for oil Karakar hair Be with us.


Cachar oil for hair
Ways to care for hair in the past
Information about the oil of the caracar
Steps to make a recipe for hair oil
Cachar oil for hair

Ways to care for hair in the past

There have been many ways and means of women's interest throughout the ages with their hair and how to maintain it long and dense and shining stunning, and distinguished women with great social status in all civilizations characterized by the softness of their hair and length and density, how could they achieve this despite the lack of all the modern preparations that exist nowadays! … It may sound a difficult question, but it is easy to investigate.

In ancient India, women used natural oils such as almond oil, olive oil, coconut oil, honey and ghee.

Egyptian women in the ancient Pharaonic civilization used henna to dye their hair naturally and also relied on natural herbs to treat hair diseases such as baldness and hair loss

The Romans adopted the washing of hair with natural herbs for example rosemary, mint and mountain thyme with some water in order to maintain the shine and strength of the hair.

Information about the oil of the caracar

Sudanese natural oils used for hundreds of years in the treatment of hair problems in women and lengthening and thickening hair and get straight hair without any wrinkles, where it proved effective in overcoming all the problems faced by most women such as getting rid of eczema, itching and dandruff scalp and it stimulates hair growth It is rich in minerals and essential oils that are responsible for nourishing the scalp, so Sudanese women have long since adopted it as a guaranteed means of beauty for their hair.

It is also called oil "Alodk", because it is extracted mainly from Aldodk, an animal fat in cattle such as cattle, sheep and others ... And some natural oils are added to it to increase its effectiveness such as sesame oil, olives and bitter almonds.

Steps to make a recipe for hair oil

As a result of the effectiveness of the original hair oil, which has already been mentioned, its price has become relatively high in the world of hair care products, but now you can prepare it yourself at home with simple steps and low cost.

Bring half a kilogram of “waddock” or lamb fat.
Cut into very small pieces using a sharp knife.
Put the pieces in a pot on the cooker over medium heat so as not to burn.
Stir the stew continuously using a wooden spoon until fully melted and it may take approximately 30 KD.
Wait for the mixture to turn to light golden color and then filter it in a glass jar using a strainer.

Mix equal amounts of natural oils such as sesame oil, olives and almonds with the mixture, which is a liquid.
Allow the mixture to cool and hold and ready to use
Now you have a golden recipe to take care of your hair and beauty, and can be saved "household carcass" and used for several months.
This was a brief summary of the easy steps that enable you to make home made carcar oil without having to buy it from abroad at a high price to maintain healthy and distinct hair.

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